A voz erótica feminina em "Ritmos de inquieta alegria", de Violeta Branca
Violeta Branca, autoria feminina, erotismoAbstract
Violeta Branca's Ritmos de inquieta alegria (1935) has one of the main characteristics or eroticism cast in a densely audacious lyricism and, therefore, shows how it is the most important landmark work in Brazilian literature in the Amazon. This work can analyze the erotic and spiritual aspects of consciousness of the lyrical feminine self as well as sacred and profane elements. To this end, theoretical support was sought in basic works such as Georges Bataille's The Eroticism (1987), The Double Called Love and Eroticism (1994), by Octavio Paz, The Sacred and Profane (1992), by Mircea Eliade and The sensitivity of Punhais (2011), by Marcos Frederico Krüger, as well as articles on the subject. In addition, the reading of White Violet's poems and the analysis of the presence of eroticism and spirituality are collected from the deep awareness of the self-world by the female self, thus observing with regard to between eroticism and religiosity. of the work that transits, uses, between sacred and profane pulsations.
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