O xirê da leitura: mulheres negras grafando memórias em letras de poesia - como um espaço de fala, escuta e cura


  • Luzia Gomes Ferreira Universidade Federal do Pará
  • Julie Castro




Memoirs, Museology, Black poets, Poetry, Xirê., Memoirs, Museology, Black poets, Poetry, Xirê


Understanding the importance of the basic tripod of the Brazilian Public University, which is Teaching, Research and Extension, in this article we will talk about the Xirê Reading Extension Project: Black Women Graffiti memories in Poetry, created in the course of the Museum of the Federal University of Para (UFPA) in 2019 and developed in partnership with book store Ifá - House of knowledge, in order to create a memory space with readings and debates of the works of Brazilian and foreign black poets, with a view to enabling the decolonization of the look, make read and make listen. It can be seen that no Brazilian context is poetry, while artistic expression still has a maximum representation of black poets in the official spaces of production, distribution and enjoyment of literary writing. Rare, too, understands the poetry exhibited by black women as a heritage of our time, as well as the following terms and conditions museum institutions dedicated to the memories of black poets in Brazil. We believe in the importance of weaving an artistic network of black poets open to dialogue and with our black protagonism, since due to the sexism and structural racism of Brazilian society, we, black women are not yet represented and worthily in most of the official spaces. enunciation of memories in the capital of Para and not in the sectors of literary production.



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How to Cite

Ferreira, L. G., & Castro, J. (2020). O xirê da leitura: mulheres negras grafando memórias em letras de poesia - como um espaço de fala, escuta e cura. Jangada crítica | Literatura | Artes, 8(1), 188–201. https://doi.org/10.35921/jangada.v2i15.244



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