Krupskaya, the 'Red Star': school education and female emancipation
Krupskaya, Revolução Russa, Emancipação Feminina, Escola livre, Trabalho e educaçãoAbstract
The increased translation of Russian texts in the post-centenary of the Russian Revolution (2017) has allowed for greater contact with the ideas of Nadezhda Krupskaya, a Russian pedagogue who discussed pre-revolutionary school education and was a member of the Commission by the People for Public Instruction (NarKomPros) after the Revolution. For the present article, besides the texts that bring reflections of the author, published in 2017 in Brazil, were analyzed official documents of their programs for education, which show us their concern to form “new subjects” for a new society, such that it could not include the inferiorization of the working woman, inheritance of the capitalist patriarchal society. It is around the free school and of the work school that Krupskaya lays the foundations of socialist education, which would contribute to the building and sedimentation of the Soviet Union and prevent the advance of imperialist countries and internal counterrevolution. We believe that, rather than texts that reflect a dated historical event, reflecting on a liberating education for the working class and detached from the shackles of patriarchy allows us to think about how limiting the bourgeois model of education is, and that education is an important instrument of class struggle.
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