A crítica feminista no cenário literário contemporâneo
Feminist Critical, literature, women-autored novels, Feminist cricitcalAbstract
In this study, we look for presenting part of the theoretical framework that has been constructed by female writers and researchers who are connected to the criticism and to the literary production of female authorship (WOOLF, 2016; DUARTE, 2009, 2016, 2019; SCHMIDT, 2019; ZOLIN, 2009; RIBEIRO, 2017; FUNCK, 2016). We look for demonstrating the theoretical contributions offered by the feminist criticism to the literary field, regarding the disruption of the status of female silencing that has positioned women as passive beings in the face of determinations by male power. By considering the female acting within the literary scope, there is a discussion about the standpoint of the discourse that is produced by female writers and its function as a device used to subvert the models that define social roles that are constructed from the gender category.
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