
  • Patrícia Helena Baialuna de Andrade USP



Exílio, Periódicos, Resistência


The literary works published by German writers in the period in which they were exiled from Nazi Germany comprise the so-called Exile Literature. To this group belong numerous publications with quite different characteristics, however, engagement is a recurring mark of many works that sought to denounce the violence of the national -socialism. In parallel with the publication of literary works, many exiles became involved in the dissemination of literature, art and politics journals, published in several countries. This article aims to present the proposals and content of some of these journals, commenting on a sample of texts and editorials and pointing out the importance of such magazines as a vehicle for articulating an intellectual resistance to Nazism.


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DEUTSCHE BLÄTTER. Band II, 1944, Heft 1-10. Reprinted by permission of Albert Theile, Unterägeri, Switzerland. Kraus Reprint. Nendeln / Liechtenstein, 1970.

DIE SAMMLUNG. Literarische Monatschrift unter dem Patronat von André Gide, Aldous Huxley, Heinrich Mann. Herausgegeben von Klaus Mann. 1934, I Jahgang. Kraus Reprint. Nendeln / Liechtenstein, 1970.

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How to Cite

Andrade, P. H. B. de. (2021). INTELLECTUAL RESISTANCE TO NAZISM IN EXILE MAGAZINES. Jangada crítica | Literatura | Artes, 8(2), 7–24.