Paródia em jornalismo: o caso do site 'Sensacionalista'


  • Assunção Cristóvão Universidade de Franca - Unifran



parody, journalism, Sensacionalista site


This article analyzes the journalistic parody genre present on the Sensacionalista website, from the perspective of the Bakhtin Circle from the concepts parody, discourse genre, carnivalization, centripetal and centrifugal forces and, certainly, dialogism, the guiding thread of Mikhail Bakhtin's theoretical views and your study group. For Bakhtin, the parody was not at a lower level than the so-called serious genres, on the contrary. The author valued aspects such as laughter, inversion and desecration, characteristics he found in Rabelais' novels and which he described in the work Popular culture in the Middle Ages and in the Renaissance, in which he develops the concept of carnivalization, which is directly linked to the concept parody regarding categories such as inversion and desecration. The Sensacionalista website uses this expedient in relation to the press considered serious and subverts the thematic content of the genre while maintaining its compositional structure and style to provoke laughter. For the purpose of this article, a news parody was analyzed and its characteristics were observed as a discursive genre in relation to the so-called serious journalism. It is hoped, with the article, to help reveal some aspects of the attraction that this type of parody journalism exerts with the public.


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How to Cite

Cristóvão, A. (2021). Paródia em jornalismo: o caso do site ’Sensacionalista’. Jangada crítica | Literatura | Artes, 8(2), 94–106.