Memórias que atravessam a morte: as recordações da violência contra a mulher em "Garotas mortas", de Selva Amada


  • Maria Izabella Souza de Lima UNICAMP



Memória, Testemunho, Feminicídio, Resgate, Justiça


Femicide occurs all over the world,however, few cases are tried and those found guilty are convicted. The presshas a fundamental role in the dissemination of these data and cases as well,because it is with this visibility that victims can get support and justice.For this reason, the work Garotas Mortas brings as its core not only thenarration of three murders, but also the search for justice. This book writtenby Selva Almada, composed in 2014, but only published by the publisher Todaviain 2018. This review has the function of addressing not only the outstandingaspects of the book, but also showing how the movement of granting speaks tothe dead girls on the part of author is a way to maintain memory and to seekjustice for them. As a theoretical contribution, use the texts of the followingauthors: Sigmund Freud (1974), María Celeste Cabral (2016), Shoshana Felman(2014) and Márcio Seligmann-Silva (2014), to support the memoriálisticocharacter of the novel and to understand the importance of narrative role ofthe girls' lives, since if by judicial means it was not possible to punish theguilty ones, and I need the literature to be able to do so, exposing facts thatwere not previously explored.


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How to Cite

Souza de Lima, M. I. (2021). Memórias que atravessam a morte: as recordações da violência contra a mulher em "Garotas mortas", de Selva Amada . Jangada crítica | Literatura | Artes, 8(2), 358–364.