Repenser l'épistémologie des sciences en Afrique: les cultures africaines comme stratégie de mieux-être
Culture, Développement, Épistémologie, Mieux-être, Sémiotique, StratégieAbstract
Policies and development plans in Burkina Faso have always given way to the economy. This choice would be justified by the fact that most of the difficulties facing the country are economic. From then on, culture, and with it the cultural sciences, appear as a second-zone domain. For the common and even for some politicians, culture is likened to folklore: it is a cocktail of rejoicing and festivities whose playful aspect is valued at the expense of the scholarly essence. In analysis, the epistemological foundations of development as understood by the international community and as it wishes to be understood from Africa are based on Greco-Roman-inspired Western cultures. Considering development from the application of these models of knowledge and compliance with these is a myth. To the reproduction of such models, it is necessary to replace their profound deconstruction. In this regard, it is necessary to rethink the epistemology of the natural sciences in the light of African cultures in order to make science in Africa the witness of African thought. In this way, the development of Africa would start from the re-foundation of science in the light of an epistemology that deafens African cultures or at least an epistemology steeped in these cultures. How can semiotics be converted into a development strategy? Such an undertaking requires the help of the semiotics of cultures and the use of cultural studies through two triads.
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