
  • Romuald Valentin Nkouda Sopgui UNIVERSITE DE MAROUA




Autobiographie, écrivain germano-africain, médiation transnationale, transfert culturel, hybridité.


Cultural transfers have appeared in intercultural communication within the framework of a theoretical approach on reciprocal exchanges and appropriations between cultures. Linked to the process of dissemination, circulation and reception of knowledge and cultural goods from one space to another, cultural transfers do indeed apply to the arts, to the media in general and more particularly to literature. This contribution is concerned with cultural transfer as the dissemination and circulation of knowledge between cultures through the prism of literary texts. Based on a reading of German-African literature, it is a question of analyzing, both in texts and in the course of the author’s biographies, cultural mediation as a form of declination of cultural transfers. From a cultural "in-between" posture, we will see how the chosen authors circulate the cultural artefacts between the country of origin and the host country with the aim of reciprocal interaction. By means of cultural transfers, they thus invent an eclectic culture which ensures the various transnational and transcultural mediations.


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How to Cite

Nkouda Sopgui, R. V. (2021). (SELF)PARALLEL BIOGRAPHIES AND TRANSNATIONAL CULTURAL MEDIATION: A READING OF GERMAN-AFRICAN LITERATURE FROM THE NOTION OF “CULTURAL TRANSFERT”. Jangada crítica | Literatura | Artes, 9(1), 340–356. https://doi.org/10.35921/jangada.v1i17.365