Théâtre, Création Aritistique, ExpérimentationsAbstract
This article presents the approach of the Fantasy in theatrical space through its identification and experimentation. Fantasy is rarely discussed in French university research. When it is the subject of university studies, Fantasy is mainly studied as a literary genre or as a movement of pop culture. The alliance of theater and Fantasy is never studied, as if the genre does not exist in the theater. To prove its existence, a database survey of plays was carried out to find theatrical works approaching Fantasy. This survey was twinned with a study of university essays on the genre to identify all its specificities, as well as with research in artistic creation that focuses on the dramaturgical and scenographic experimentation of Fantasy in the theater. The first results of this research, which is being carried out, highlight the need to highlight Fantasy in the theater, which despite its presence is not recognized on stage. To meet this need, it is necessary to better identify the existing recurrences and to encourage experimentation to make Fantasy a theatrical genre in its own right.
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