'O pequeno Naia contra o rei dos dragões': pensamento chinês em desenho animado
pensamento chinês, dinâmica circular, comunhão, flexibilidadeAbstract
With the passage of simpler human organizations, such as villages and small towns, to empire, something of a more intimate harmony between the human being and its environment was lost. This loss results in a series of consequences on the way of observing and conceiving the reality that surrounds us: a dichotomous linearity between extremes tends to replace more comprehensive and flexible circular thinking dynamics. However, a set of cultural and thought magnitudes stand as a bulwark of this form of circular understanding: Chinese ancient thought. This study seeks to start a journey through Chinese ancient thought by the way of analysis of the animation Little Naia against the king of dragons, exploring the insertion of plot elements in a circular dynamic. With such intent, it was found that the circular dynamics, presented in the animation, proposes not supremacy of circular action over linear one, but its conjugation to a larger dimension. Far beyond the simplistic Manichean dichotomies, common to some children's productions, Little Naia against the king of dragons proposes a gracious look at human action, neither fully abstaining nor hopelessly perverse.
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Todas as imagens seguintes resultam de YAN DINGXIAN-WANG SHUCHEN-XU JINGDA O pequeno Naia contra o rei dos dragões. Direção: Wang Shuchen, Yang Dingxiar e Xu Jingda. Produção de Shanghai Animation Film Studio. China: 1979. DVD.