Fantasia em Palimpsesto: intertextualidade em 'Dragões de Éter' de Raphael Draccon
Fantasia, Intertextualidade, Fantasismo BrasileiroAbstract
The objective of this research is to analyze the fantasy romance Dragões de Éter, written by the brazilian author Raphael Draccon, focusing on the first novel of the saga, Caçadores de Bruxas. The novel - published in 2007 by Editora Planeta - is characterized by the various dialogues it has with other universes, such as fairy tales, cinema and video games. We investigated how intertextuality was used in the creation of the fictional universe of Nova Ether, where the novels takes place, and how it is important for the narrative structure. Furthermore, we consider Caçadores de Bruxas as a precursor of brazilian fantasy on the XXI century and also as part of the Fantasist Movement. As a theoretical basis, works by authors such as Gérard Genette, Julia Kristeva and Roman Jakobson, were used.
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