Reading, cordel and formation of readers: an experience at online club
Literatura de cordel, Clube de leitura, Formação de leitores, Ensino remotoAbstract
This paper aims to understand how cordel reading experiences at an online club contributed to the reading formation of students from a Town School, placed at the countryside of Monteiro city, Paraíba, at time we were scholarship of the Pedagogical Residence Program. For this purpose, besides the notes of a field diary, we have relied on a questionary which was applied with the students who participated of the reading club and with their Portuguese Language Teacher who supervisioned our intervention. Methodologically, this research has a qualitative slant and it has been supported, theorically, on the discussions by Candido (2004), Marinho and Pinheiro (2012), and Medeiros and Pinheiro (2014), who supported us to think about the place of the Literature and the Cordel in the formation of readers; as well as, on the pressuposts by Cosson (2014), Luzia of Maria (2016), and Souza (2018) who were, in their turn, indispensable into the reflection about the reading clubs. The analysis and the results has gotten allowed us to indentify that, the reading club which was observed by us, even in a short period of time, it was a relevant action in the reading formation process of the students. In this way, the selection of cordels, their language and the worked thematics contributed for the students has to lived the experience of the club in a active way; in another words, reading, commenting, sharing opinions, and placing theirselves in critical way before the texts and, with that, for they to wish to continue presented every single gathering of the club.
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