Production, reading and sharing cordelistic texts on social networks
Cordel, Mídias digitais, Poetas populares, LeitorAbstract
In this article, the virtualization of popularity texts is discussed in the light of media theory and the history of reading, highlighting the resources and spaces that popular poets have to produce and circulate their texts on social networks, as well as discuss the reception by the reading public. For the construction of the study, we resorted to mixed methods, arising from bibliographical research, case study and recent netnography. The work is composed of a literature review, built from assumptions arising from the field of media theory, the history of reading and cultural studies, establishing a corpus of strings and comments about these same strings extracted from profiles of stringers noted on the network., adopting as a selection criterion the texts with the highest number of Internet users' prticipation, likes, shares, comments, (among those found in the networks of the cordelist reached in the study).
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