A narrativa cinematográfica de 'Árvores da Paz' (2021) sob a égide do pós-modernismo


  • Carlos Eduardo de Araujo Placido Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul




Trees of Peace, Alana Brown, Postmodernism


The film Trees of Peace (2021) by Alana Brown reflects on the different facets of the Rwandan Genocide through the female gaze, which took place in 1994. The narrative begins with four female characters in a forced sorority. The modern perspective indicates that these characters should have an innate connection, because they are all women. However, this sisterhood does not come naturally. Sorority is really embodied when they break with the universalized stereotypes of the modern feminism and present themselves from the perspective of the postmodern feminism. For these reasons, the aim of this article was to analyze the cinematographic narrative of the film Trees of Peace (2021) under the aegis of postmodernism. As a result, the analysis showed that when female characters question the imposed reality, they can expose invisible problems, shatter negative stereotypes, suggest more inclusive stories, and even transform this reality.


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How to Cite

Araujo Placido, C. E. de. (2024). A narrativa cinematográfica de ’Árvores da Paz’ (2021) sob a égide do pós-modernismo. Jangada crítica | Literatura | Artes, 11(2), e110207. https://doi.org/10.35921/jangada.v11i2.542