Uma flor em metamorfose: A existência lésbica em "Momentos de ser: "Os alfinetes de Slater não têm pontas", de Virginia Woolf


  • Luísa Nunes Galvão Caron de Oliveira UFF



Virginia Woolf, conto, ficção lésbica


In order to elucidate an unexplored question in the work of Virginia Woolf, this article analyses the short story “Moments of being: Slater’s pins have no points” using as groundwork the concepts of Symbolic Violence, by Pierre Bordieu and Lesbian Existence, by Adrienne Rich. It also intends, following  Laura Arnés´s study on lesbian fiction, to explain how Woolf destabilizes  the “canonical structure of desire” (2018, p. 174)  when resignifies the relationship between body and text, thus opening to new possibilities of reading and writing.


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How to Cite

Nunes Galvão Caron de Oliveira, L. (2019). Uma flor em metamorfose: A existência lésbica em "Momentos de ser: "Os alfinetes de Slater não têm pontas", de Virginia Woolf. Jangada crítica | Literatura | Artes, 7(2), 106–120.