Screams, mud, blood: Dracarys! may the dragonfire devour it all...!


  • Isabelle-Rachel Casta Université d'Artois



extermination, Game of Thrones, Missandei, mother-dragon, nuclear fire


Accompanied by their mother Daenerys, the trio of dragons (Drogon, Rhaegal and Viserion) which symbolizes the Games of Thrones series has mobilized, since the end of the television broadcast, a great hermeneutical charity; here, it is on the order of fire, Dracarys, that will bear a phenomenology of this word / formula suitable for triggering nuclear weapons; indeed, between Princess Targaryen and her children, there is resemblance and porosity, and this is what counts Missandei, who just before being executed, utters a deep and funeral Dracarys, who will be heard and "obeyed" a little later ... by an extermination. So, dragon tool of justice, or genocidal monstrosity? The answer is to be found on the side of the myth. 

Author Biography

Isabelle-Rachel Casta, Université d'Artois

Professeur émérite, Unité de recherche EA 4028 : Textes et Cultures, Université d’Artois.



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How to Cite

Casta, . I.-R. (2021). Screams, mud, blood: Dracarys! may the dragonfire devour it all.!. Jangada crítica | Literatura | Artes, 9(2), 294–311.