Les cris, la boue, le sang : Dracarys ! Que le feu-dragon dévore tout...!


  • Isabelle-Rachel Université d'Artois



Palabras clave:

extermination, feu nucléaire, Game of Thrones, mère-dragon, Missandei


Accompanied by their mother Daenerys, the trio of dragons (Drogon, Rhaegal and
Viserion) which symbolizes the Games of Thrones series has mobilized, since the end of the television
broadcast, a great hermeneutical charity; here, it is on the order of fire, Dracarys, that will bear a
phenomenology of this word / formula suitable for triggering nuclear weapons; indeed, between Princess
Targaryen and her children, there is resemblance and porosity, and this is what counts Missandei, who
just before being executed, utters a deep and funeral Dracarys, who will be heard and "obeyed" a little
later ... by an extermination. So, dragon tool of justice, or genocidal monstrosity? The answer is to be
found on the side of the myth.

Biografía del autor/a

Isabelle-Rachel, Université d'Artois

Professeur émérite, Unité de recherche EA 4028 : Textes et Cultures, Université d’Artois.



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Cómo citar

Isabelle-Rachel. (2021). Les cris, la boue, le sang : Dracarys ! Que le feu-dragon dévore tout.!. Jangada crítica | Literatura | Artes, 9(2), 294–311. https://doi.org/10.35921/jangada.v1i18.425