An approach on the musical universe of "Chants populaires"


  • Elizabeth Serra dos Santos UFRJ



rewriting, identity, music, Philippe Beck, Chants populaires


Considering the relation the contemporary French poet Philippe Beck (1963- ) establishes between poetry and music, this article proposes to investigate the rhythmic phrasing of Chants populaires (2007), observing how the author turns the word into an object of thought through music. In fact, the distinctive, cutting sound of Beck’s verses lead the reader/listener to listen to them again to be able to build in meanings. Beck’s chants, a rewriting of 72 tales by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, retake issues concerning identity and nation that return in contemporary times.The author himself carries in his emotional memory traces of the disagreements between France and Germany, which shook the formation of the concept of national identity. Born in Strasbourg, Beck writes his poems in a « quasi-French » - as he calls it – a language crossed by historical forces. According to Beck, this Alsatian French makes the song of his poetry a tainted song, open to « a meaning always to be made », according to Jean-Luc Nancy. This article will focus on three central aspects of Beck’s poetry: the elision of articles; intensifications; and neologisms. These aspects will be based on the analysis of one of the poems in Chants populaires.

Author Biography

Elizabeth Serra dos Santos, UFRJ

Bachelor's degree in English and American Literature at the University of Maryland, United States (1983),  Specialization in Art and Technique of Translation at  Campinas Pontifical Catholic University, São Paulo (1986), Master's degree in Linguistics at the University of Leeds, United Kingdom (CNPq scholarship holder). Implemented disciplines at the Translation and Foreign Languages Department at the University of Brasília, as substitute teacher, in 1992. Since then, has developed various courses related to the teaching of English and French in the  institutions she has worked in. Graduate student at the Romance Languages Department  at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, developing  a research on Chants populaires (2007), a rewriting on the Grimm's fairytales, by the french author Philippe Beck. The research relates poetry and music.  Capes scholarship holder.


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How to Cite

Serra dos Santos, E. (2024). An approach on the musical universe of "Chants populaires". Jangada crítica | Literatura | Artes, 11(2), e110211.