Do jardim inverso ao plantio da terra: a poética crítica de Ferreira Gullar


  • Naiara Martins Barrozo Uerj



Ferreira Gullar, Poetry, Criticism, Brazilian literature


This essay explores Ferreira Gullar's trajectory from the publication of "A Luta Corporal" to "Dentro da noite veloz," aiming to make visible the author's critical movement concerning his poetic work, literature and poetry itself). This is done by considering the presence and modes of his political and historical consciousness in his literary configurations, as well as the author's reflections on the place of engagement. It seems that through questioning and reworking, stemming from self-criticism, we observe the thread with which he weaves his path. To achieve this goal, we will analyze works such as "Roçzeiral," "Peleja de Zé Molesta com Tio Sam," and "Meu povo, meu poema," and refer to secondary texts like the "Manifesto Neoconcreto."


GULLAR, Ferreira. Toda poesia (1950 - 2010). São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2021. ________. Augusto dos Anjos ou Vida e morte nordestina. In: Toda poesia de Augusto dos Anjos. Rio de Janeiro: José Olympio, 2011.

________. Dentro da Noite Veloz. Rio de Janeiro: José Olympio, 2009.

________. A Luta Corporal. Rio de Janeiro: José Olympio, 2009

________. Corpo a corpo com a linguagem. Disponível em: (acesso em dezembro de 2010).

________. Manifesto neoconcreto. In: Jornal do Brasil. Rio de Janeiro, 22 de março de 1959. PDF.

________. Sobre arte. Sobre poesia (uma luz no chão). Rio de Janeiro: José Olympio, 2006.



How to Cite

Barrozo, N. M. (2024). Do jardim inverso ao plantio da terra: a poética crítica de Ferreira Gullar. Jangada crítica | Literatura | Artes, 12(1), e120111.