Literatura e Gênero, Travestilidade, imagem poética, GeniAbstract
This paper is dedicated to study the poetics images of trans and travesti female in “Geni e o Zepelim”, from Chico Buarque (1978) and “Maldita Geni”, from Bixarte (2021). The comparated study, the focus on a Geni character, open the way to the reflections of similarities and diferences that allow interpretation esthetics and ethical aspects in this work. When taken as literary poetic objects, the texts allow reflect about the social aspects, that bring the surface daily violences against the trans comunities and, too, recognize the content that humanize the travesti existence, including multiplying the possibilities of be in the world, beyond stereotypes that fix to the “truth” (BHABHA, 2014) . This job aims to interpret in the mentioned verses, multiplicities of forms of live and way being travesti and trans, by the interdisciplinary dialogue mediated by literature area of studies, of gender and sexuality and too pós-colonialism studies. The highlight importance of poetics images studies, because they allow reflection about the complexity of bodies, recognizing the context about violence, like this too, and principal, travesti multiplicitys existences, from the perspective of respect for live and prosperity.
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