Entrelaçando sentidos: explorando intertextualidade e transtextualidade em um romance e duas canções


  • Geane Valesca da Cunha Klein Universidade Federal de Rondônia
  • Yasmin Pinheiro dos Santos Universidade Federal de Rondônia




Transtextuality, Intertextuality, Derivation of meanings


This article investigates the intertwining of meanings between a novel and two songs, seeking to understand how textual resignifications occur. The analysis is based on Aldous Huxley's novel "Brave New World," as well as the lyrics of two Brazilian songs: "Admirável Gado Novo" by Zé Ramalho and "Admirável Chip Novo" by Pitty. The study relies on the theory of palimpsests, exploring intertextual and transtextual relationships, and on a descriptive and interpretative qualitative approach. The adopted methodology integrates concepts from Textual Linguistics and Literary Studies, especially Gerard Genette's proposal. Additionally, the article fits into transgressive theories, considering "transtextualization" as a way to understand signs in different contexts. Divided into three sections, the work addresses the concepts of palimpsests, the role of the song as a textual genre, and the transtextual transformations identified in the corpus. Finally, reflections are made on the growing virtualization of life, bringing reality closer to dystopian worlds portrayed in the analyzed texts. The study emphasizes the plurality of meanings and the reader's role in the movement of interpretation, understanding, and construction of these meanings.


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How to Cite

Klein, G. V. da C., & Pinheiro dos Santos, Y. (2024). Entrelaçando sentidos: explorando intertextualidade e transtextualidade em um romance e duas canções. Jangada crítica | Literatura | Artes, 11(2), e110216. https://doi.org/10.35921/jangada.v11i2.577